Future Day at wpd windmanager

27. April 2023

Finally on site again!

After the Future Day could unfortunately only take place online the last few years due to the pandemic, we were all the more pleased today: We were able to welcome a total of 14 students together with colleagues from Deutsche Windtechnik AG and wpd AG to our company headquarters in Bremen’s Überseestadt.

The 10 to 14 year olds took the opportunity to look behind the scenes of the three sister companies and to gain insights into the various occupational fields in the wind energy industry. How is a wind farm actually built? What does a wind turbine cost? And how is electricity generated from wind? The wind-interested students asked our experts these and many other questions.

Special highlights were the visit to the wpd windmanager control room and a live connection to a service team of Deutsche Windtechnik in a wind turbine. Here, reports were given directly from the nacelle at dizzying heights.

We are already looking forward to the next Future Day in 2024!

Head of Marketing & PR
+49 (0) 421 897 660 460