wpd windmanager cooperates with Likeminded

19. Oktober 2022

Our lives and also our working world have changed fundamentally in recent years. The demands are increasing and with them the stresses and strains. As an employer, we aim to counteract this trend and want to support our employees and provide relief. Mental health and self-care play a very important role in this regard. We are happy to announce that we are cooperating with Likeminded now.

In Likeminded, we have found a partner, who is breaking new and innovative ground in this area, offering individual solutions for the needs of our employees. And this worldwide, at all our locations and in the respective national language – regardless of whether our employees work in Germany or for example in Finland, in Croatia, Chile or Taiwan. As a worldwide operating company, this is of tremendous value for us.

Head of Marketing & PR
+49 (0) 421 897 660 460