Office chairs, field hockey sticks and Franzbrötchen ice cream

28. November 2023

Crazy combination, right? Welcome to the German Chair Hockey Masters 2023 in Bremen. Last Friday, office chairs rolled around and we passionately fought for every ball.

A total of 33 teams competed against each other in the Alte Werft. Our Rückenwind team was also there again. And with full physical commitment. Rumor has it that some windmanager are still complaining about sore muscles in their thighs today.

Many thanks to organizer BKE Fislage for the invitation. A great event with everything that goes with it. Great location, high entertainment factor and there was also sufficiently provided for the physical well-being. With poke bowls, burgers, beer and the delicious Elb ice cream. Our highlight was the Franzbrötchen flavor. Awesome.

And thanks also to our colleagues from wpd GmbH and BLANKE MEIER EVERS for the mutual support. Next year we’ll win the cup!

PS: If you’ve ever wondered how many windmanager fit into a normal photo booth! The current record is 9.

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